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Insights on Life and Dharma - Discourses by Thakur Anukulchandra on (Date: 03/10/1939)

Early this morning, Sree Sree Thakur rose from bed and went to the Nibhrita Nibasa (a

private chamber). These days, it has become his habit to spend quite some time there every morning, and today was no exception. After emerging, he gave a motto to Kestoda. Later, during his bath, Prafulla approached him, and after finishing his bath, Sree Sree Thakur dictated another motto to him.

Sree Sree Thakur’s mind is perpetually inclined toward discovering the cause or essence of things.

Whenever he observes any phenomenon, the eternal truth underlying it becomes illuminated to him, and he instinctively records it.

Many of his sayings and verses have originated in this spontaneous manner.

After his bath, he leaned against a cushion and began reading from the Manusmriti. He specifically read aloud verse 37 from the sixth chapter, emphasizing its importance. He then instructed everyone to memorize verse 28 from the second chapter. Both of these verses discuss the sanctity and

Sree Sree Thakur reading a book
Sree Sree Thakur reading a book

necessity of ideal marriage rituals in alignment with principles of purity and dharma.

In the evening, while discussing the concept of offer (acceptance in marriage), Sree Sree Thakur remarked, “An offer is not a trivial matter or child’s play. If a girl makes an offer (chooses someone) at an immature age, it is not worthy of serious consideration. The attraction that arises purely from association or proximity is not genuine. In matters of offer, the consent of the girl’s parents is essential. A man who manipulates or provokes a woman into making an offer is not truly a man.”


Sree Sree Thakur’s words and actions are not just historical moments—they are timeless treasures of wisdom, guiding us toward a life of truth, righteousness, and deeper understanding. His reflections, spontaneous mottos, and profound interpretations of sacred texts reveal insights that are just as relevant today as they were then.

If this glimpse into his daily life has intrigued you, imagine what more you can uncover! There is an entire world of his teachings waiting for you—lessons on life, spirituality, relationships, and self-discovery.

Want to dive deeper into the wisdom of Sree Sree Thakur? Visit and explore more such enlightening articles that will inspire, guide, and transform your perspective. The journey to truth and self-realization starts here—don’t miss out! 🚀✨


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